


  The year 2000- Pop, a bloodthirsty Thai ghost, haunts Sam Kotr, a small village in Roi Et Province. One by one, the men in the village fall victim to her insatiable appetite. An eerie silence grips the fear stricken village as no one dares venture from their homes late at night. Banding together, the villagers bring in an exorcist to rid them of Pob's wrath. As a new school year begins, a student club volunteers to aid rural development project in Roi Et province. Upon arrival in Sam Kotr, they're struck by a sense of unease stemming from the eerie silence. They spend their days working in the village and relax at a waterfall when evening arrives. Unbeknownst to them, Pop's hunger has been stirred. She possesses a girl named Ger and travels back to Bangkok with the other students. For a short while, she's enthralled and engrossed by the bright lights of Bangkok. But soon enough she searches for new victims. Ger turns on her sex appeal to seduce one man after another. As the man returns pale and jaundiced, his friends become concerned and soon discover his liver missing. So, the hunt for Pop begins.


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